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NEOLAUREATI PRIZE 2024 | Best Graduates’ Architecture Theses of the Polytechnic University of Milan

Group photo with the three awarded projects

NEOLAUREATI PRIZE 2024 Winners Announced

The awards ceremony for the 2024 edition of the Neolaureati Prize, dedicated to the best architecture degree theses supported by students of the Polytechnic of Milan, was held at our headquarters on Thursday 12 December 2024. Aoyama Design Forum has proudly supported the award again this year.

Since 2003, the Order of Architects of Milan and the OAMI Foundation have been promoting the New Graduate Award, dedicated to the best degree theses discussed in the previous year, with the aim of putting the authors of the most deserving theses supported at the Polytechnic of Milan in contact with the cultural and professional reality of architecture, design, planning, landscape and conservation. In the 2024 edition, 57 theses participated in the award, with 81 participants. The main themes addressed by the awarded theses were the role of museum institutions, the recovery of resources in fragile territories, marginality in the context of an Italian island.

2024 Jury members include: Lorenzo Bini, councilor of the Order of Architects PPC Milan, Victoria Easton, partner architect, Christ & Gantenbein, Yukio Ishiyama, Garde Italy, Valentina Marchetti, UniFor and Molteni&Co Historical Archives and Pietro Pizzi, architect, Studio Pizzi.


1° Prize: € 1.000,00 + 4 books selected by the OAMI Foundation

Atelier des Pièces Détachées: a pedestals depot in the new KANAL-Centre Pompidou

Author: Francesca De Santis

Supervisor: Jacopo Leveratto, Aslı Çiçek. Master degree in Architecture, Built Environment, Interiors.

Atelier des Pieces Detachees: a pedestals depot in the new KANAL-Centre Pompidou, by Francesca De Santis

Atelier des Pieces Detachees: a pedestals depot in the new KANAL-Centre Pompidou, by Francesca De Santis

Atelier des Pieces Detachees: a pedestals depot in the new KANAL-Centre Pompidou, by Francesca De Santis

Motivation of the jury: For the originality of the proposal and the reflection on the theme of conservation and valorization of the ephemeral, in this case in the museum and exhibition context. For the capacity for synthesis and communication of the thesis, for the graphic quality of the works and for the 'interesting idea of reusing the pedestals of the works indicating the resulting transposition (from support to work) which significantly calls into question the boundary between art and architecture, between project and curatorship, between exhibition device and work The project is therefore extremely mature and cultured and opens up to a broader discussion on the role of museum institutions today.

2° Prize: € 500,00 + 3 books selected by the OAMI Foundation

Aqua manifesta: an experimental theatre dealing with water in Levanzo (TP)

Authors: Pietro Dallera, Andrea Frontani, Alessandro Ricci

Supervisor: Jacopo Leveratto. Master degree in Architecture, Built Environment, Interiors.

Aqua manifesta: an experimental theatre dealing with water in Levanzo (TP), by Pietro Dallera, Andrea Frontani, Alessandro Ricci

Aqua manifesta: an experimental theatre dealing with water in Levanzo (TP), by Pietro Dallera, Andrea Frontani, Alessandro Ricci

Aqua manifesta: an experimental theatre dealing with water in Levanzo (TP), by Pietro Dallera, Andrea Frontani, Alessandro Ricci

Motivation of the jury: For having addressed the topicality and urgency of the theme of the recovery of resources and territory, with a view to a virtuous process in contexts of fragility. The theme is articulated through an effective representation that alternates technical drawings and three-dimensional physical models, establishing a suggestive dichotomy between poetic and expressive representation on the one hand and constructive in-depth analysis on the other. Starting from an ecological and environmental interest (and therefore working in the context of urgency and necessity) the project does not give up care and attention for the spatiality of the interventions and for the relationship they establish with the landscape.

3° Prize: € 250,00 + 2 books selected by the OAMI Foundation

Comunità d'interspecie. Lampedusa come avamposto di flussi interspecifici

Author: Paolo Grossi

Supervisor: Davide Fabio Colaci. Master degree in Architecture, Built Environment, Interiors.

Comunita d'interspecie. Lampedusa come avamposto di flussi interspecifici, by Paolo Grossi

Comunita d’interspecie. Lampedusa come avamposto di flussi interspecifici, by Paolo Grossi

Comunita d’interspecie. Lampedusa come avamposto di flussi interspecifici, by Paolo Grossi

Motivation of the jury: Starting from a non-trivial observation, the candidate defines an area of intervention in a symbolic context such as the island of Lampedusa, intelligently shifting attention to the marginal and fragile condition of the island's fauna, rather than thinking about the issue of migrants. Consequently, the architectural program is inserted and developed within a broader scenario with references to environmental issues and in a broader territorial perspective. The project relies on ephemeral and reversible structures to make the activities defined in the program. The thesis is very well represented from the point of view of both graphics and clarity and immediacy of communication.


Scripta manent. La riscoperta delle riviste. I casi Superfici e In"

Author: Francesco Belluati

Supervisor: Marco Stefano Biraghi. Master degree in Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering.

"Spolia": Material Memory and Reuse Value

Author: Lin Wei

Supervisor: Alessandro Villa. Master degree in Interior Design.

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