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The Best Graduates Award Winners Announced

The Order of Architects, P.P.C. of the Province of Milan and its Foundation announce its recipients for the Best Graduates Award.

The Best Graduates Award, established by the Order, to filter out the best and most interesting architecture, design, landscape and restoration thesis of Milan Polytechnic’s graduates.
The award wants to put recent graduates in touch with professional and cultural realities and present them to a broad, interested public.
On Thursday 17th December 2020 were announced the winners of the Best Graduates Award. The theses participating in the 2020 edition were 74, 126 the students of the Politecnico di Milano.

NPO Aoyama Design Forum (ADF) proudly supports the organizations and the project.

The 2020 jury was composed of:
Antonella Boisi, journalist, Mondadori
Alberto Bortolotti, councelor of the Order of Architects of Milan
Francesca Frassoldati, professor at the Polytechnic of Turin
Davide Frattini Frilli, architect and designer
Yukio Ishiyama, president of Garde Italy


1° Prize

Marco Rizzo, author of the thesis “Architectural symbiosis / monumental necessity: Superclub +. History and interpretation of the contemporary Club through functional hybridization: Retrofitting of the / 'Ex Cinema Alpi in Milan ".

The thesis of Marco Rizzo was awarded, according to the jury's motivation, "for the complexity of the project and the ability to synthesize the relationship with the existing and integration of new functions".

2° Prize
Filippo Muzzi, author of the thesis “Transonora. Sound transitions of tradition".

The jury's comment: “for the ability to speak to the whole city, managing to rethink the transmission of culture in contemporary society. This thesis manages to cross different worlds to combine the different scales of the project ".

3° Prize
Davide Brugnoni, Dario Cassani, Alessandro Dorlini, authors of the thesis "Circularity, flexibility and redevelopment - Silo, a multi-scale residential architecture project in the metropolitan interchange area of Crescenzago".

The jury's comment: “for the design skills at the different scales of the project”.


1) “A night terminal: a window to the universe” by Muge Yuruten - MENTION for the evocative capacity and the poetics of representation.

2) "Next stadium. Sports and architectural paradigm between utopia and reality” by Matteo Gawlak and Riccardo Gialloreto - MENTION for the audacity and courage in relating to a unique context, for the representation.

3) “Sense of home. From fields to city, from shelter to Home” by Chiara Catani - MENTION for the ability to read and interpret the project context.

4) “Paraíso cerrado. Widespread Museum of Literature in Granada "by Pedro Escoriza Torralbo - MENTION for the representation and comparison between the different dimensions of the project.

5) "M.A.T.C.H. Music. ArT. Cultures. Heritage. System of Minimal Architectures for collective use for the city of New York "by Erika Anelli and Linda Guariento - MENTION for the development of a design system that can be used in different situations.

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